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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Getting back in the grove...

It has been awhile since I have wrote a blog. My laptop recently caught a virus, and I'm having to do everything threw my iPad. It is mighty impossible to write a blog on the Blogger web sight threw my iPad, so I had to download the iPhone App on the iPad just to get me this far. Please excuse my possible bad grammar and punctuation, since I can't get it corrected threw the word program on this Blogger App and iPad.

I wanted to talk about my day yesterday. I woke up feeling good. I recently have signed up for what is called a Zombie Crawl & 5K ( going on this Saturday Oct 27. I haven't prepared for this very well, honestly I'm quite nervous about it. We got some much needed rain yesterday, once the rain stopped I stole the chance to run! Running after the rain just came was so fresh and crisp, the air smelled clean, cool, and brisk.

I start my run using a couch to 5K App. This App is perfect for me tells me when to walk and run, making it so much easier then keeping time on my own. When I began my run I noticed the air changed from smelling fresh and clean to basically getting hit with a sweet, highly perfumed smell. I though how come I never smelled this before? I figured someone was home doing laundry. I continued my run then another 5 houses down It hits me again, and again more freshener smells poisoning my fresh clean air! Gosh, by this time I'm annoyed fighting for air can be hard, and while running I would rather keep up with that crisp clean air I started out with. There was no way someone could be home in each of those homes all doing laundry all at the same time. Was this left over exhausting freshener smell continually coming out from the home on a daily bases? I then had the light bulb moment go off in my head. These people are all unaware what they are doing to our air. Not only do we poison the air by car or factory, but by cleaning chemicals in our detergents.

I had read The Healthy Home book last March, and from then on made some major changes in my household. We no longer use any kind of fragrance detergent, use all natural cleaners such as vinegar and baking soda, and bathe with chemical free shampoo and shower gel. Making these changes for my family decreases our chances to chemical overloads. It has been a year since I made these changes and my nose knows. Getting back in touch with my smell was the best gift I could have given myself and family. In The Healthy Home book it shows you how to become aware of your surroundings and hidden dangers you may have lurking in your own home and the book leaves you with some all natural cleaning options or changes you can make to de-chemical your home. We need to wake everyone our homes are more polluted then a busy smoggy city! Having our home so polluted can lead to sickness. Ill leave you with a bit of advise from The Healthy Home wear gloves and open a window. Remember the healthy runner in your neighbor hood will appreciate the cleaner air too.;-)