1. What song is stuck in your head right now?
Skillex Scary Monsters and Spirits Honestly, its the last thing playing on my Pandora station. Kinda sticks
2. What song describes what the weather is like where you live?
Wow! The first song that comes to my mind is Hotel California.
The weather is as always here up and down, but as of right now I'm just living it up hot or cold. ;-)
3. What is one song that no matter where your at when you hear it makes you stop
dead in your tracks and think back to a memory?What is that memory??
This one is easy for me. Journey- Don't Stop Believing.
The memory I have tied to this is isn't just one memory, its almost a collaboration of several times
when I was a teen the hard times I went threw. The song just pulls me back reminds me of how far
I have come from the past and reminds me to keep pushing to whatever I want to accomplish next!
4. What is your secret pleasure song that no one knows you really have?
One that you might even be ashamed or embarrassed to admit?
Haha ok ok I have to admit this, I mentioned it on fb the other day.
It most definatly is on the top of my list
in the video and the song is sorta catchy haha!
5. If you could hang out with one artist or band for a day, who is it? Why?
You know Im gonna go with Christina Aguilera! I can relate to her and her music.
In a way her life story is similar to mine. I love her spunk and style!
<a href="http://www.brokentoblessed.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"><img alt="Tunage Tuesday" src=" http://i1170.photobucket.com/albums/r525/InnovaLifestyle/shirley_manson_4-Copy_zps5d3bce34.jpg"/></a>