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Saturday, August 25, 2012

This is my Story...


Everyone is asked at one point of their life, “What’s your story?” This is especially true when you are in The Direct Selling Industry. People want to know who you are, where you are from, how did you get to where you’re at now? Even Kathy Lee and Hoda on the Today Show broadcast a segment every week from inspirational stories that are inspiring to them. They share that person’s story by bringing them to the show and having an artist write a song about them.  You can see America loves to hear a great story, especially if it is a true inspirational success story from real life situations.  People love to hear that they too can create their very own inspirational success story. Truth is they don’t talk about it, they don’t even think to write down how far they have come or overcome in their life. I’m here to tell you it’s time to start talking my friends!  I’ll start you off with my success story.  As I give you a “peeping tom” sneak peek into my story, begin to think about yours. If you don’t think your story needs to be shared, you need think again, because you NEVER know who you can help.

                My story begins when I was a child, super skinny, short blonde hair, and big 80’s glasses. I had been teased a lot called Felicia Eggfart, Felicia No-Package, Skinny Minnie, Four eyes. Ha Ha. Boy did I hear it all!  Needless to say I didn’t grow up in the most normal of childhoods. Having a bunch of friends or being popular never interested me.  We were never a rich family; my father was always off and on different jobs. Never in his life has he held down anything stable for more than 2 years. This ended up leaving my mom with the huge responsibility of picking up the financial slack. It wasn’t until I was older I understood why. My mother and my sister are my heroes. My mom never let it show that times were bad. She was smart with every dime she held. When she went to apply for assistance she made $10 too much to qualify.  That day she was lead to adapt and learn different techniques that got us by. She would buy our Christmas throughout the year, we never went on a family vacation, and beans, cornbread and goulash became a staple for dinner many nights. My mom never once told us we couldn’t afford something we wanted. She would tell us,” We would just have to wait and pray about it”. She taught me that you must work for everything you want or need in life. Her words and life lessons still to this day resonate within me. It was January 2002, the day my mom had been blindsided and hurt with the terrible news of what was happening to her daughters.  My sister came to her and changed all of our lives, for that is the reason why she also is my hero! We had been hiding a dark secret, one that we were terrified to tell. We went through situations as children that should never have to go through with their father.  His actions have since landed him in prison, but it has given me a chance to learn more about him, forgive him, and move forward. Having a life is not about having your head hanging low, developing anger and hate in your heart, for that person or situation, it is about having the issue or problem turned into a positive, doing something great with your life. After all, if you were strong enough to live through it you are strong enough to make a difference from it.

                November 1, 2003 my life was yet changed again. I married my handsome charming husband! I worked for a medical debt collection agency. It wasn’t something I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but it was a start. I knew there had to be more to my life then school or work. School just wasn’t for me I averaged a C most of my classes through High School! It wasn’t until Chris and I got introduced to Direct Sells when both of our lives began to take form. We learned to dream, something that was totally new to me. As many do in this industry, we crashed and failed horribly!  The product was good, but the leadership above us didn’t show us how to duplicate what we learned. After this experience we figured we better just keep working and learn to save our money.
             Chris and I had developed quite a passion for cars during our teenage years. We fixed his car up and polished it until it couldn’t shine anymore. This led us to several car clubs and many… many car shows. A few years later, while at the World of Wheels I noticed an old car club buddy that we haven’t seen in a very long while. I couldn’t believe my eyes! As he walked past Chris and I, He was 110lbs lighter! Chris stood there wondering what the heck this man had done to get healthy! Chris and he, in the past were almost Twinkie’s, both over-weight, loved food and didn’t like much activity. Long story short Chris took up his offer to meet and listened to what he did that change his life forever. Chris came home to tell me;”Baby, I think I’m going to try this network marketing business again” I sat in silence and gave” the wife stare”. I told him, “That’s fine I don’t want anything to do with it.” He got his distributorship started up, got on the products, and started to drop weight and kept it off. I finally gave in, best decision I had made! I felt a difference when I took the Vitamins and fell in love with the energy drink Rev3. I slowly started to think to myself I can do this, I can help. People need to feel what I have felt. They need the help to live a better life free from suffering and pain. Now we are where we are today. A lot of people come and go but the ones who are serious change their life and make that difference. We still are building our story and working on our dream. Nothing will happen overnight it takes hard work and dedication. We are on our way, and I can’t wait to see our dreams come reality and take us to places we never been!