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Friday, December 13, 2013

Goals? What goals? I had goals?

It is quite obvious that I haven’t written a blog in a very long time. Let’s just leave it to the no time in my life excuse. On to my topic, looking back at my goals I set last year, I have accomplished some and others I am no where were I would have liked them to be. I have accomplished one of my 16 goals… ONE!!! The ONE goal I accomplished was potty training my son. Now, like others they may look at 16 goals I set and think geez that’s the pits. Well, you’re darn right that’s the pits! The problem was that I did not keep my goals close and did not remind myself of them every day. That is where I failed! What it is going to take from me this New Year is self discipline. That every day no matter what is going on or how I feel get it and do it make it happen! I’m not going to let myself get down about it and I will think of it as a new opportunity to try again until I get it. The old me would have cried about it and kept my head down. I am stronger than that, I know better. How is this for a comeback blog? I’ll keep this one short and work on how I want to gather my other topics to write about. There have been so many on my mind and it feels good to write in this blog again.

Now go Innovate yourself and goodnight!
P.S. Click the link below and you can check out my blog I wrote last year with my goals listed if your interested in knowing what they were and all :-)