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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Goals & Resolutions

Welcome 2013!

It’s a New Year a fresh start to erase what was in the past and a chance to move forward in a positive productive way. I have to say I am super stoked for this New Year! Chris and I ended the year with some new motivation for a change in our lives. We want better for our son, our health, our family and our future.  Our list of goals this year have become more obtainable so we can have the since of accomplishment still with the challenge. I believe that one of the most important things to do after you make a resolution or a new goal is to publicly announce them. This way you’re holding yourself accountable with everyone knowing what you want. Family and friends tend to hold your feet to the fire and remind you when you step off track. J I decided to share our goals for this New Year with you my faithful readers! So sit tight take some notes because this year we are accomplishing these!!

Personal & Business Goals:
Both complete our fitness transformation
Everyday read or listen to personal growth and development
Become Simi-fluent in Spanish language
Run a full 5K without feeling like dying
Finish decorating our home we have been living in for 10 years
Activity maintain this blog
Christmas shopping thought the year
Potty Train my son
Create and maintain a YouTube channel for Innova & fitness transformation
Become Gold Director in our Usana Business
Buy a new vehicle
Get my Probe into show condition
Maintain Brayden an online Shutterfly memory photo book and get it printed
Attend more Usana events
Buy a stationary to keep up with Birthdays, Anniversaries and Thank You.
Send out Christmas cards early

When writing goals of your own keep this in mind
Also create a plan to achieve those goals. Think of it this way; you pull out a map place your finger with the close of your eyes at a destination. Now, how are you going to get to that destination? Your going to find the correct road to get you there right? Why should your goals and resolutions in life be any different? 

Ill end with this, having a resolution is not you relying on something to change you; it's about relying on yourself to change. If you made a resolution don't give up on yourself. Take yourself back to the moment you decided to make the resolution. What were you feeling? What were your seeing? What did you want to see different? You can do it BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!