I have been for the past year seeing more and more post on
how much The Walking Dead has been so good and addicting of a series on FB. I
gave in we started to watch the series online. The fist episode of the first
season had me and my husband messed up! I quote him “I do not want to watch
this series it messed me up” Our minds was full wondering with the” Oh my gods”,
“What would I have done?” and “What ifs”.
All of the TV series I have watched
and scary movies I have seen don’t hold a candle to this TV Series! I think it
has a profound impact do to the many rumors we hear that the government could
have a Zombie like outbreak happen and them having a emergency plan for it just
in case…. That right there should tell ya that they have been fooling around
with some kind of virus. Oh and with people taking that drug that caused them
to eat another human alive! Ek!
We continued on watching on the edge of our
seat basically the WHOLE time needless to say we are now about to start season
3 tonight. I will not give away any spoilers or plot points, but I highly recommend
this series for anyone who likes the anxiety thrilling suspense of what if this
happened in my real life. I been taking
notes even though the show is not real and may not ever happen I will be
continuing to take mental notes you just never know what those scientist have
in those labs… Just saying.
More info on the series click the link provided below.