Fathers Day is a celebration honoring fathers and
celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in
society. To many this day is a blessed day filled with honor. To me this day is
a double edged sword, a reminding stabbing pain to the heart with a more confused
mind of my father and the example he was. The pain still haunts me after all
these years and, on other hand I am so blessed to have two great examples in my
son’s life! My husband is the very best father that I could have ever asked
for. He always makes sure Brayden’s needs are met before his own. He works so
hard so we can have the time freedom in the future. He takes the time to spend
special moments with Brayden and make them memorable. This is only a mirrored reflection
of the father he had. Johnny has shown me that even though he also had a hard
childhood he didn’t bring it to the future he stood tall in his decision to
stop the past and have a better future for his kids and grandkids. He has shown
me that hard work blood sweat and tears is what it takes to be that father! I am so blessed that I get to see how much a
blessing he has been in my husband and sons life.
Yesterday, I spent my day at my mom’s house tearing down a
huge rock structure my father put up I believe in 1997. He says he built it
just to piddle, but the way he build it and the fire place my neighbor called a
old fashioned bread oven was really great architecture for just cement and
rocks. He built it level and strong the only place it showed weakness was the
very top around the edge, but that was due to the earthquake we had a year ago.
We tore it down so it wasn’t a hazard. The structure was about 8-10 feet tall
was half moon shaped with stairs winding up the side. It had a place on the top
level of cement. I remember my father taking his telescope up there and looking
at the stars late into the night. I honestly think that structure and the fire
place was few of the many things that he actually completed. Oh he also made a
really nice pond in the front yard. In the tall structure he placed a few coins
in the cement with the date 1993 on them not sure if it held any significance
or not. We will write him later and ask. We also discovered a rock he placed
his initials on as he always did when he completed his work. It was bitter
sweet tearing it down. I remember when my dad started to build it he went and
gathered rocks from all over the country that he would visited, mostly the lake
and private property ha ha. You could even smell the lake as we tore it down.
My mom didn’t want to throw away the rocks, but keep them to maybe make a small
flower bed where the structure was. I think it would make the back yard look
really nice if she did do that. With all that said I am super soar today and got
a great workout yesterday we picked up heavy rocks, walking, running, hauling
and swinging a sledge hammer. The
morning was really nice a little humid, but it was perfect sprinkling no sun
perfect weather for wrecking that huge structure! We have to go back and still
finish the bottom part. My dad filled the bottom with tons of sand so that made
one huge mess with clean up. Good part is my mom had a huge sink hole my dad
dug up to put in an above ground cheep old swimming pool. My mom had wanted to
get it filled in for years well now we have the opportunity to do it. I feel
really bad for anyone who owns that house in the future and wants to put
something there. We threw in all the scrap rock and mortar that we knocked off
the rock in the hole along with barrels of that sand my dad had in that
structure. Later we will put some fresh dirt on top so some grass will grow
there again. It is exciting to see an actual big yard again even though she has
her yard lined with jumbo cedar trees it still looks huge. There is still a lot
of clean up in the future, but we have a great start.